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Nevermore Game Studios

Student Development Team- Christopher DiPastina, Paul DiPastina, Nick Coppola, Will Lassen, Yuting Lian, Michael Andryauskas


What Is Nevermore?

Our group is a student development team dedicated to providing its members with the opportunity to showcase their projects and portfolios. Some of our developers have portfolios hosted on-site here, but for those who have their own webspace we have included links to their offsite portfolios. The projects presented on this page are only those that we have worked on as a team, so make sure you check out each our developer's portfolios to see other exciting projects they have contributed to!

This has been a truly amazing group to work with over the last four years. Every one of the incredible people on this team has worked with a high level of professionalism and enthusiasm. Even when we didn't win prizes, we came to the competition in costume and I think that says a lot about our group. We dared to do more and had a lot more fun doing it.


"You don't make good gameplay by trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator. You try to make something that is exceptional." - Will Lassen